Tuesday 17 September 2013

Flowers and Leaves From Our Surroundings: Natural Dyes

Using the Resources In Our Community:  KG and PS
We collected flowers and leaves from around the school and then 
squeezed the petals between our fingers and colored with them.





Sunday 15 September 2013

Robots Helping Us--Grades 3 and 4

UOI:  How We Organize Ourselves
Central Idea:  Inventors And Their Inventions Help Shape The World
Visual Art:  Robots Helping Us In Our Everyday Lives

 Alethia:  A Robot That Sweeps

Siddhant:  A Robot That Is A Bodyguard 

 Aarish:  A Robot That Chases Bison Away

 Sophia:  A Robot That Creates A Buffet

Zarand:  A Robot That Takes Me To School

Transport: Using Animals for Transport Grades 1 and 2

UOI:  Where We Are In Time and Place
Visual Art:  Animals As A Means of Transport



TORANS: Welcoming Banners Hung Over Doors in India

Art by Students in KG and PS
UOI:  Where We Are In Time and Place
Visual Art:  Welcoming Banners Hung Over Doorways In India To Welcome Guests





Proud Artists


 Artists Displaying Their Toran

Artist Relaxing